Book Report: John D. MacDonald: A Checklist of Collectible Editions & Translations by David G. MacLean (1987)

Book coverI bought this little chapbook at ABC Books a couple weeks ago, and when I went back earlier this month and bought a book by Gregory McDonald, I mentioned that Gregory McDonald was one of the big three MacDonald/McDonalds–the other were Ross MacDonald and John D. MacDonald (I said, gesturing to a Travis McGee novel stacked and ready for pricing behind the register). I then told Mrs. E. that I had recently bought a price guide for John D. MacDonald books, this very book–and then I realized I had bought it at ABC Books a couple of weeks earlier, albeit when she was not there.

So. This is a 32-page, saddle-stitched, typeset with a typewriter booklet from 1987, probably not long after MacDonald’s death (at a different hospital in Milwaukee than the hospital where Heather Graham and I were born–he is buried in Milwaukee, and I never visited even though I have been a fan since he was interred). It lists first editions, including first foreign editions in some cases, and prices circa 1987.

How do the prices stack up to modern prices? The Brass Cupcake, his first novel in paperback from 1950, is listed in the book at $40 including notes on a recent sale. You can find it on Ebay from between $30 to $250, and there’s a hardcover edition at $1250 (which is a hardback reprinting of the paperback). So your mileage may vary.

As I have mentioned, gentle reader, I’m a bit afraid of eventually running out of John D. MacDonald books to read. So this book gave me an opprortunity to audit my collection using the Wikipedia entry for John D. MacDonald’s bibliography, the archives of this blog, and my seriously overburdened inexpensive, turn-of-the-century book library software. The shocking results are below the fold.

So I have links to the books I’ve reported to on the blog, and I have emboldened books that I have on the shelves, either read or not.

I am really, really light on Travis McGee novels in stand-alone editions (I have a number in omnibus editions). This probably stems from my discovering MacDonald in high school and reading a bunch of them in borrowed library editions, wherein I would then pick up, fairly inexpensively, MacDonald books I had not read–the paperback business originals, mostly. I probably have a couple more on my to-read shelves that I’m not sure of, but I suppose this post will be a guide to what I should hunt out. And even buy on Ebay.

Because, face it, if I’m making a quest to read the Executioner novels and related series that I have on my to-read shelves, I could do better by finishing out the John D. MacDonald ouevre.

Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to run through the links above and re-visit the MacDonald books I’ve read and what I thought of them.

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