A Brief Dissertation On Where To Shoot An Evil Reanimated Skeleton

Forget zombie kitsch; that’s been covered ad nauseum on the Internet. What weapons to use on them, what specialty kitsch rounds to buy for your gun to shoot them, zombie targets for the shooting range, et cetera and et cetera. Have you reached nauseum yet? I have.

One important bit of useful information remains unexplored, however. I have not seen anyone cover on the Internet how to shoot a reanimated evil skeleton, and believe me, I have researched uncountable hours for the answer (uncountable, in this case, because the number is zero, and anyone who tells you you can count to zero is either a higher mathematician or someone about to pitch you zombie and/or bacon-related products. In a word: insane).

So I’ve done some musing, as one would expect I do given the name of this blog, and I’ve decided the following.
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Jumping on the Bandwagon

As many of you have seen on Facebook, the current trend is to put words onto an image and think it’s clever. I guess it’s all over the Internet and might even stem from Fark’s caption contests. Undoubtedly, many future anthropologists will study the origin, although anthropologists spare themselves the question of “For the love of God, why?”

Regardless, I have jumped onto the bandwagon and have created my own, depicted below.

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Though a Scanner Darkly

Hey, kids. Want to see gore? You, too can make a 42-year-old man’s head asplode without needing any special mental powers. All you gotta do is go up and say:

Hey, did you hear they’re remaking Ferris Bueller’s Day Off with that guy from Twilight as Ferris Bueller?

Now that I’ve put this unfounded rumor on the Internet, I fear this weekend is going to be like a live performance of the 1812 Overture with the popping of Gen X craniums instead of cannons.

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I Would Think The Mi-Go Blood Would Be A Selling Point

Murphy’s Oil is composed of 98% Naturally Derived Ingredients:

Murphy's Oil Soap is 2% Mi-Go blood

If you’re going through the trouble of extracting the “blood” from the fungi of Yuggoth made from a form of matter that does not naturally occur on Earth and infuse it into a solution that imparts a distinct shine on wood, wouldn’t you play that element up in your packaging?

Probably not, if the shine only lasts until the thinly-spread fungi coalesces into a convoluted ellipsoid creature that will put your brain in a bucket and take it to the stars. I mean, you can’t even admit to that possibility without the FDA coming down on you.

Plus, there are a lot of darkly complected cultists out there who would come to your plants to free the Mi-go amid constant sanity check rolls.

So I guess, ultimately, it is best to leave the consumer wondering what eldritch, fetid matter makes up that 2%.

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Brainstorm of the Day

Hey, you know what NASA should do? If it’s planning on a Martian mission but it’s concerned about the conditions in small enclosed spaces for long periods of time and the effect on a person, NASA should just recruit young Manhattanites who might even pay for the privilege of doubling the size of their apartments to 300 square feet.

They’re used to the cramped conditions. Also, it would be a lot of Manhattanites blasted into space. A win for everyone involved.

UPDATE: Thanks for the links, Trog and Charles.

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Today’s Joke That Nobody Got

We went to the gym this morning, my laddie and I, and the man at the front desk offered the child a hand stamp. He accepted, chose a haunted house motif, and bore the green-inked imprint proudly.

At the child care desk, he couldn’t wait to tell the attendant about it. “I have a haunted house,” he said.

“You have a house?” the attendant replied.

“It’s green,” I set up.

“It’s green,” the child said.

LEED-certified,” I said.

Nobody laughed. But children make excellent straight men.

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Words To Live By

Step 1: Secure the Goat

You know, reading this has changed my life. The first thing I’m going to tell myself when I get up in the morning is Today, we will first secure the goat. Me, I will use that royal ‘we’ inside my own head because goat-securing sounds like a two-person job, even metaphorically.

When someone lets me down, I will express my disappointment by telling that person that he did not secure the goat.

And I will ask myself as I lie in bed, going to sleep (or staring at the ceiling, depending upon what I think the answer will be): Did I secure the goat today?

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Wherein My Life Intersects, Again, With The Humor Of Jeff Foxworthy And Larry The Cable Guy

The last time, it was with Larry the Cable Guy talking about unloading the bed of your pickup truck by opening the tailgate, going fast in reverse, and hitting the brakes. Although in my defense, I was merely emptying an accumulation of water and leaves.

This, from Jeff Foxworthy’s book No Shirt, No Shoes…No Problem!:

In the living room we had the telephone wire spool for the coffee table. Saw it sitting off the side of a road, borrowed a pickup truck, and hauled it home. Some people shellac them, others like the natural pitted, tar-smeared look. We painted ours the only colors we could find in Dex’s dad’s garage: aqua and black. That went well with the green-gold shag carpet and the orange sofa. The spool top was always cluttered with the remains of a wild Saturday night, usually from three months earlier.

In my defense, my spool was classily covered in red shag carpet and served as my entertainment center:

Brian's apartment, 1998

Damn, Brian! you say. You have a degree from a prestigious, they tell you, private university! How did you come to have a wire spool table?


Okay, as you know, I used to live in a trailer park in Murphy, Missouri, in the smallest, most run-down trailer there, a 1968 Star trailer that measured 12′ by 60′ and could not actually be moved because it was not sturdy enough to move. Across the street, between the Torrances and Mr. Matlock, whom the FBI interviewed when my mother was obtaining security clearance and promptly tipped her off so we could run for it if we needed to, lived Cathy T. You in the suburban crowd might not realize this, but there are single wide trailers and there are double-wide trailers, but there’s also a class of trailer where additional rooms pop out of the sides, kinda like a one-and-a-half wide trailers. Cathy lived in one of those with a fancy sunken living room. You went up the stairs to get to the door and stepped down a step into her living room. Swank.

At some point, Cathy became a real estate agent, and that point coincided with my mother coming into some money and wanting to buy a house. So Cathy ended up acting as my mother’s agent when my mother bought our house in House Springs, Missouri. Well, outside of House Springs, down the two-lane county highway MM most of the way to Otto, and then down off Heads Creek Road onto Ruth Drive/Rural Route 5. A house in a valley with a gravel road and supplied by a telephone party line. In 1987. We finally got a private telephone line when the cable company paid part of it to string their cable, too.

Because we were looking to fill a 4-bedroom house on something like 3 acres (half wooded, with a creek and a dump on it) with the furniture from a small mobile home, Cathy gave us the wire spool table. It served as my night table through my remaining years of high school and when I returned to live first in my old bedroom and then in my mother’s sun room and basement (after she sold that house, but before she got separated from her government job when they moved it to Alabama).

And when I moved out into the apartment of my own, it came with me, of course, since at that time, all I owned was a weight bench, a bed, three bookcases (!), a blonde-laminate bureau, a dog-gnawed dining room table with four mismatched chairs, a television, a VCR, and a small desk.

What happened to the wire spool? The same thing that happens to a number of them: Their owners got married. I thought it was a functional piece of furniture, but women sometimes value appearance over functionality or disvalue appearance enough to override functionality. It might have gone back into my mother’s basement; I seem to recall it eventually being discarded because a dog soiled its shag, but I couldn’t tell you for sure. That story, apparently, is not old enough for me to remember clearly.

Regardless, I get to check off a number of things on the Redneck list:

  • Lived in rundown trailer.
  • Lived on gravel road.
  • Had party line.
  • Had wire spool furniture.
  • Is strangely amused or proud of all of the above.

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That’s A Damn Dirty Trick

Are your Google+ circle mates feeling a little out of place after escaping Facebook? You can help them feel at home like I did, by sharing an image like this:

A Google+ damn dirty trick

Of course, if you do, you might wonder like I do why you’re not in that many circles.

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In The Annals Of The Internet, I Cannot Believe This Has Yet To Be Done

Well, I can’t speak for the annals of the entire Internet, but a quick Google search shows I am the first.

Savor my Photoshop prowess (which, to be honest, ran smack into the fact that I spent a whole hour on it and didn’t want to waste more time on something that probably would not look much better with additional time):

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Sometimes, My Colossal Humor Failures Amuse Me

As you all know, I’ll fire off obscure jokes that sometimes only one person in the room gets. Sometimes, no one in the room gets them, but that doesn’t make them any less funny. It only makes me more obscure.

Sometimes, though, I fire something off and it fails so spectacularly that the very failure is more amusing than the joke itself.

Yesterday, I tweeted:

“schieß dem Fenster” is the only German I know. It’s all one really needs to know to get by, really.

Ha! Get it? No, of course not. Why would you be any different?

“schieß dem Fenster” is from Die Hard. It means “Shoot the window.” It’s the German that Hans Gruber says to Karl. He then switches to English and “Shoot. The. Glass.”

Now, I made the tweet in the context of my QA blog’s account, so the followers expect little bon mots embracing destruction and whatnot. But to understand and get this particular joke, readers needed 1.) to understand German and 2.) to have seen the film, preferably in English.

I mean, some people might have run the translator, which would have come up with the “Shoot the windows” translation, which makes no sense since Gruber does not make a direct translation when he switches to English. Sadly, though, most won’t make the connection.

Secondly, having seen the film in a German would have stripped the moment of its stand-out, spoken in two languages nature. Who knows, a German dub might have simply had the dubbed voice repeat shoot the windows. Or they might have changed both to shoot the glass.

As a result, I had the following exchange with the only native German speaker who follows me:

Him: So, all German you know doesn’t even make any sense. You’re probably aware of it, right? :)
Me: Wait until I try to pronounce it.
Him: well, as it stands, it means to shoot the window. Wonder what your pronunciation might add there. :)
Me: As translated by Hans Gruber, it comes out “Shoot the glass.” A philosophy to test by.
Him: I’d translate it to “zerschiess das Glas” or “Fenster” instead of “Glas”. And due to new German writing, there is no “ß” anymore
Me: Also, I am quoting from the American film “Die Hard”, which is why what I said is supposed to be humorous.
Me: The eszett lives for QA http://bit.ly/cDtPam

Another non-native German speaker (and you know who you are, Gimlet) pointed out the obsolescence of the eszett. But nobody got the joke.

Because it relies on familiarity with a bit of dialogue in a foreign language in a 20-year-old film (hey, old man! How does that feel?) that is indirectly translated in the film itself. Now that’s an obscure quip.

And as I thought about it and the humor’s dependencies, I laughed more about how the joke failed than the joke itself.

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