Book Report: Tabletop Fountains by Dawn Cusick (1999)

I saw an episode of Creative Juice where Cathie and Steve made a fountain, so I’ve thought of giving it a try. This book offers a bit of technical insight into how to make them and 40 projects for indoor tabletop fountains.

I don’t know what more to offer you in a book review about a craft book here. It doesn’t look too difficult to make a fountain, and the projects don’t offer that much variation. Nothing wild in here, just some water tumbling down some rocks, although the book does include one water wall sort of fountain. The designs are from a variety of designers, not just the author, so you see some variation, I suppose, but it is a narrow band of handicrafts.

Of course, I’ve already checked another book out of the library on the subject. No doubt my book report for that one will be even more droll. I ought to start putting up photos here of the various things I make like I do on Facebook so at least you, gentle readers who are not my Facebook friends, will see them.

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Book Report: Another Antigone by A.R. Gurney, Jr. (1988)

This is a full evening play with four characters: a professor of Greek tragedies who tends to portray things in an Athens vs. Jerusalem template, which might just be an educated way to say “Anti-Semitism”; the Dean of his college, an old lover who doesn’t like the administrative life as much as she hoped; a Jewess student who decides on her own to write and stage a modernised version of Antigone instead of a paper for the aforementioned professor; and the girl’s boyfriend, a chemistry major uncommitted to chemistry but with a talent for the classics.

A lot’s going on in here. The girl takes on the arms race (its from the 1980s) with her Antigone, but becomes more stridently Jewish when the professor’s anti-Semitism is suggested to her. Additionally, she doesn’t want to settle any more for a Wall Street job. The professor discovers that he’s about to be retired as students stop signing up for his classes. Is it him or is it less appreciation of the concepts of tragedy in America in the latter part of the 20th century. So many things to ponder, but nothing really brought to the forefront or to a conclusion.

The play leaves the story kinda in media res. Some alliance shift, some changes happen, but in the end, the resolutions are temporary and illusory. I can’t tell if the professor’s point about the inability to appreciate tragedy is supposed to be shown through his story being tragic–or the opposite.

That said, how come so many plays are plays about plays or plays about colleges or screenwriters? Does this make plays less accessible and more insular or does it reinforce the fraternity of people who see plays through common languages and metaphors? Does the use of the word “Jewess” bespeak of my own anti-Semitism?

There’s a lot to think about in this one.

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Book Report: Trash to Treasure 2 by Leisure Arts, Inc. (1998)

Okay, okay, I said I didn’t like the first book of this series that I read (number 8 in the series), but here I am looking through another one.

Well, they’re quick and probably not entirely a waste of time.

Still, it’s heavy on the country kitsch that does not appeal to me (yet–give me a decade surrounded by fields and horses, and we might have a different aesthetic sense entirely–watch for the blog theme to be white and red checkerboard with stitches dividing the posts and sidebars).

Instead of the reliance on the aluminum cans, this book features a large number of projects that use the bottom of plastic food trays. I could see it. Maybe my children and I will make suncatchers sometime from them. Probably not.

Additionally, #8 recycles a project from this book: light bulb Christmas ornaments. Talk about using old things in a new way! Of course, if you’re going to do this, you probably want to do it while incandescent bulbs are legal.

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Book Report: Craftivity edited by Tsia Carson (2006)

This is a crafting book for the DIY lifestyle. It says so on the cover. In the introduction, the editor talks about how doing it yourself is part about getting off the grid, man, and freeing yourself from the institutions. Or something. One of the contributors, before showing how to put patterns in moss on rocks, laments that he could go to prison for spray painting someone’s property, but that someone blasted and chiseled a natural treasure and made Mount Rushmore and they call that a national monument.

So this is a crafting book for loft-dwelling latte suckers in Janeane Garafolo glasses. Personally, I’ll take the dowdy old lady craft books for their no-nonsense, make something but not a statement style.

That said, the book breaks it down into categories of different media, such as metal, wood, fabrics, and so on, so it runs the gamut of different craft styles. You can probably find something to do in the book. I’m thinking about painting using the glass in frames. I remember a kid did that in the gifted program in seventh grade. Surely I could do something equivalent to that.

The book wasn’t a waste of time by any means, but that idea above and, frankly, the tone of it are about all I remember of it. So buy yours by clicking below!

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Whose Individual Books Do You Remember Best?

I think I have a new metric for a good, lasting writer: how well can you remember the characters and plot from an author when someone simply mentions the title?

For example, if you mention Hamlet or Macbeth or any other Shakespeare play that I’ve read, I can remember the plot and some of the characters within it. If you mention a Dickens book, I can probably speak to it generally.

Now, about modern writers, my favorites are at a bit of a loss. When you mention Robert B. Parker, I can talk about the early books pretty well, but once you get past Pastime, they start to blur. John Sandford? Not hardly, although I’d try to bluff and say it was about a murderer who posed the bodies ritualistically. John D. MacDonald? Some of them, and I’ve enjoyed all of them. Raymond Chandler? I don’t think I could remember or explain a lot of Chandler’s plots if I’d just read them. Robert Heinlein? He wrote a lot of junior rocket jockey stuff that kind of blurs.

Stephen King, on the other hand, I can tell you the plots of It, Christine, The Stand, The Eyes of the Dragon, and so on and so forth.

Tom Clancy? You bet, although I’d be hard pressed to remember all the subplots and plot lines in Debt of Honor, but I remember the bit about the quality problem at the auto plant.

I think that the size of the oeuvre matters, as an author with fewer books will have more memorable books, or at least fewer books to confuse. Relevant titles help, too, which really hurts modern series authors who title their books similarly so readers will know the book belongs to a series.

So what do you think? Of whom you’ve read widely, whom do you recollect the individual novels the best? And do you think this is a mark of an author who will be widely read and regarded as a classical author in centuries to come?

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Book Report: Brother Odd by Dean Koontz (2006)

I savaged the preceding book in the series, Forever Odd, when I read it in 2007. Why the gap? I didn’t like the predecessor so much, and I had a hard time finding this book at book fairs. I finally found one without a dustjacket and read it.

I liked this one better than Forever Odd. The voice didn’t great on me as much, but I think Koontz better interspersed the narrator voice with action and interaction with other characters this time around. I seem to recollect Odd spent a lot of time alone in Forever Odd.

In this book, Odd is living in a monastery in the Sierra Nevada mountains, trying to rest and trying to help the spirit of a brother who committed suicide to move on. As such, he has a special skeleton key that allows him all access to the grounds of the monestary and of the abbey and school for the disabled next door. Bodachs start appearing, which means bloodshed is imminent, so Odd and the brothers and sisters have to investigate why and to protect the children from a devilish creation of bones.

I enjoyed reading this book and looked forward to sitting down and reading it at night. I’ve spent a couple weeks where I haven’t looked forward to the nightly reading, which probably explains the recent dearth of book reports hereabouts. But when I get that way, I always end up reading a book that refreshes that hunger for the printed word within me. It’s probably as much biorhythms as Dean Koontz, but there you go.

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Book Report: Viets Guide to Sex, Travel, and Anything Else That Will Sell This Book by Elaine Viets (1993)

Wow, it’s been over a year since I read Viets’ Urban Affairs, which is a good thing. It means I’m not obsessed with her. I am developing a little crush on her through these collections, though.

As with the previous collection, this book collects her columns from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. In the introduction, she mentions that this collection is uncensored; as far as I could tell, the only impact I saw was one instance of a synonym for excrement that appeared on someone’s shirt.

I don’t know if the columns are timeless, but I lived in the era in which they were written near the city where they were written, so I like them. Sadly, I think I’ve run out of Viets’s collected columns and will have to start on her fiction when/if I find some.

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Book Report: Two Hour Crafts by Landauer Books (2005)

This book promises a wide variety of two-hour crafts, but I bet that once you factor into the time allotment how much time it takes you to get the materials together, learn the basic techniques you need to use to make the craft, make the craft, and then clean up, you’re past the two hours.

That snark aside, the book draws from a wide variety of craft veins, including needlework, knitting, beading, painting, scrapbooking, and paper arts. It offers a couple of small projects in each and prefaces each section with a list of materials you need and basic techniques you use. Then, each section has a couple of projects using those techniques.

However, when it comes down to the actual crafting, you get three steps to everything, no matter how complicated. Because that’s how it’s laid out, you see. Even when step 1 to the build an automobile craft is assemble the engine and drive train. I exaggerate, but not by much. I’ve mentioned that I don’t care for steps in anything that require more than one sentence of imperative mood followed by a couple sentences, maybe, of explanation for why you do it.

The book is a pretty good primer on a bunch of crafting things, but I’m not sure I’ll do any of these projects. I might take some things away from it for inspiration, maybe. As a very early starter book to crafting, though, it’s probably worthwhile.

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Book Report: Clemmie by John D. MacDonald (1958, ?)

This book represents one of MacDonald’s more bleak novels. In it, a middle manager in Florida is stuck in a rut during the summer when his English wife takes their children to England for a visit. He happens upon a 23-year-old wild rich girl, sort of a Paris Hilton type if you can imagine a Paris Hilton in the Eisenhower years. MacDonald did, so they must have been out there.

At any rate, the fellow falls in with this woman, falls into adultery, falls into drunkeness, falls into additional drunken adultery, slacks off on the job and loses it and then ends up with a three week blackout period after which he really has no taste for the rich girl, but when her rich father makes him a job offer to ease the whole kept-man thing, Craig thinks it over, but ultimately decides that he’s going to leave town, with his wife when she returns if she’ll come after what he’s done. The book ends there, although there’s a little hint in a phone conversation he has with his wife over a bad 1958 trans-Atlantic connection that perhaps she will have something to confess when she gets home.

The book reminded me somewhat of Kim du Toit’s Vienna Days in that the character starts out sympathetic, and you feel bad for him when he makes a couple bad choices that put him in a tight spot. But eventually they keep making the bad decisions, and I lose patience with them and lose empathy for them.

Now that I’ve sort of panned the book, let me pan the cover. Clemmie is a 23-year-old, lithe, small woman. This is the cover:

Click for full size

That is not a 23-year-old woman. That, my friends, is someone’s mother who is trying to put a little sizzle back in her love life after an Oprah marathon on Oxygen. Someone that the artist must have wanted to impress. Maybe even sizzle with.

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Book Report: The Art of Woodburning by Betty Auth (2001)

This is the first book I’ve looked at about pyrography, the art of using a soldering iron-like implement to char pictures into wood. So I’ve learned a lot, including the word pyrography. The book inludes a number of projects to get you started and a fair number of templates you can photocopy and trace to make designs on wood. However, the book was first and foremost a good primer on the use of the tool, the different tips, and the different techniques for shading and whatnot. Granted, I probably would have gotten similar instruction from any book about pyrography that I’d bought, but this book will do the trick for you if you’re like I was.

Well, if that isn’t the briefest and most useless book report you’ll read all day. But these are craft books, not novels examining the sweeping themes of human existence. What’s important is that you know I read it.

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Book Report: Trash to Treasure 8 by the staff of Leisure Arts, Inc. (2003)

I got this book fresh on the heels of reading The Joy of Junk. This book pales in comparison.

Apparently, it’s some sort of annual compendium, as it bears the number 8, but I’m not sure what it’s collected from. What it represents is a collection of projects that use things you might throw out to make kitschy little crafts.

Frankly, they could have called it Trash to Painted Trash You Can Give For Gifts. Most of the projects end up with a final product that you look at and say, “Oh, that’s a clever use of a .” That is, most of the things don’t transcend their origins. If you make anything out of an old coffee can, for example, you end up with something that looks like a repurposed coffee can. I prefer my projects to transcend the origin of the materials.

It’s not my bag. Maybe if you’re into the country style or whatever style relies on cutesy sayings and homespun appearance, you’ll get more than I got from the book. Me, I got one project idea and the recognition that aluminum cans are a good source of serviceable metal to use in crafts.

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Noggle Library 2010

It’s been two years since I’ve updated you longtime readers (and by longtime readers, I mean Charles and that guy from Boeing) on the state of the Noggle Library. As you might have gleaned, we have once again had to buy a bigger house to accommodate the library, so things have been rearranged somewhat.

This new house represents a departure from previous homes in that some of my reference books and some of Heather’s books are starting to cohabitate on the same shelves. Not the main libraries, but some of the fringe material.

That being said, here are the pictures.

This is the to-read shelves in my office. The bookshelves on the left are inexpensive bookshelves from Target which are starting to buckle from the weight of the books:

Books to read in Brian's office
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I also have two bookshelves of paperbacks that I have read in my office. If you look closely, you’ll see some Executioner titles that you’ve read about recently.

Books to read in Brian's office
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What, are there even bookshelves in Brian’s office closet? Of course there are.

Books to read in Brian's office
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To the side in the closet, my RPGs:

Books to read in Brian's office
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In the hallway between the offices, I have another three bookshelves filled with books I have not yet read:

Books to read in Brian's office
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In the main room of the lower level, we find my read shelves and some reference books. The read shelves cover the far wall beyond the entertainment center:

Books to read in Brian's office
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This perspective shows the read shelves from the side, with the reference books in the sole shelf on the far wall:

Books to read in Brian's office
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On the back wall of the main lower level room, we have the two commingled shelves I spoke of. These shelves include crafting books, children’s books, Heather’s collection of Sue Grafton, some music books, and some religion books.

Books to read in Brian's office
Click for full size

Heather’s office sports these bookshelves, new Sauder bookshelves which seem to be simultaneously weaker and heavier than the previous models. They’re wider, though.

Three bookshelves in Heather's office
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Heather has this bookshelf in her office, too. Through the door, you can see the bookshelves in the hall.

Heather's fourth bookshelf
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The living room sports some built-in bookshelves with Heather’s religious books and cookbooks and our current library books. We go to the library when we don’t have anything to read.

The built-in bookshelves
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The youngest child has a bookshelf in his room.

Some children's books
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And in the garage, we have our woodworking/home repair/gardening books.

The books in the garage
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So that’s the bulk of it. This year, I didn’t depict the hymnals on the back of the piano, the stack of books on the mantle/table beside my reading chair/headboard of the bed. Also, the two bookshelves from the older child’s room are in temporary remission since he’s in a big boy bed, and he would read the books on the bookshelves rather than sleep.

So we’re beyond the level of normal readers/book owners and have turned the corner toward professors. Additionally, given the short lifespans of my people and the thousands of books on those to-read shelves, I probably actually own more books than I can read in my lifetime unless science gets busy stretching that for me.

Compare and contrast this to your own library, and feel free to call me a wanker like Kim du Toit did when I first posted pictures of the library in 2003.

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Book Report: Tennessee Smash by Don Pendelton (1978)

This book follows Arizona Ambush in the series, so I get to feel like somewhat of an insider when Bolan refers to the events in Arizona and I know what he’s talking about.

Unfortunately, this book ropes in a large number of other characters from preceding novels, characters who now work with the government in a special group targeting the Mafia. So the reader who comes to the series late (me) is left outside a little, and the book spends whole chapters filling in expository backstory rather than shooting-em-up. So the book is not the strongest entry in the series. I understand from Wikipedia that Bolan eventually works with this group, so the whole “what is the agenda not only of the Mafia, but also of the bureaucrats and lawmakers on the good guys’ side?” intrigue will probably grow, too.

That said, the plot of the book gets a little short shrift. Bolan goes to Memphis and Nashville and works with SOG (the special operations group) to rescue a couple of members in an attempt to infiltrate the drug-running arm of the mob. In doing so, he meets a country-and-western song maveness married into and under the thumb of the local boss and uncovers a plot to blackmail powerful politicians.

Overall, a weaker entry in the series. I really ought to try to get some of the earlier work. Definitely in the middle of the three I’ve read recently.

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Book Report: Winnowing Out Our Souls by Jane Hoogestraat (2007)

I picked this chapbook up on the Local Interest shelf in Borders here in Springfield, hoping to find a collection of poems about the Ozarks. However, Hoogestraat is not of the Ozarks, she merely teaches college English in the Ozarks, no doubt to her disappointment. The collection of poems, then, is a standard slot of the Important Lessons modern poetin’ professors want to lay on their students. In a turn of good luck on her part, she wound up in Springfield, so she got to write a poem about a lynching 104 years ago that has Great Implications Today about the inherent oppressiveness of Springfield residents even today. A toothless bearded man makes an appearance in another poem.

Not my bag, really. Nothing in it that touched me or made much of an impression on me. I’m kinda sorry I bought the book and am really sorry I paid full price for it. Back in the olden days, chapbooks were only $3. You know, cheap books.

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Book Report: The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury (1951, 1969?)

I read this book because I watched a television program, Criminal Minds, because it had Green Bay Packers wide receiver Greg Jennings making his acting debut in it. Well, I watched enough of the program to see Greg Jennings appear, which was about half. And in that half, the program referred to The Illustrated Man twice. I’d passed over this book a couple times recently when picking over my to-read shelves for something quick to read. So when Greg Jennings, indirectly, encouraged me to read it, I complied.

Like The Martian Chronicles, the book creates a sort of wrapper into which Bradbury inserts his existing short stories. In this case, it’s a tattooed wanderer whose tattoos move and tell stories of the future at night. A camper encounters the illustrated man and watches the stories. In the beginning, we get some italicized addition to each story to keep the thread of the book going, but Bradbury abandons it by the end, although the epilogue returns to the frame story.

I haven’t read Bradbury in a number of years (before the blog, but within the last decade, I think I reread The Martian Chronicles). I liked him well enough in my youth, but in my middle age, I find him a little bleak. Many of the stories deal with death, aliens triumphing over men (or men triumphing over aliens with their consumer culture, still an indictment of humanity). Reading this, I cannot help think that Bradbury could have written Avatar since he shares a lot of thematic ground with Cameron. Maybe these themes were challenging sixty or seventy years ago when Bradbury was writing the stories, but now that they are a prevalent part of the modern mythology/culture, they lose resonance and fade really into the background. I need to rinse my science fiction palatte with some Heinlein soon.

A little note: in the television program, one of the people says that the illustrated man has a blank spot on his back to show the future in the film version of the book, but not the book. Untrue. The book does have that spot.

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Book Report: Arizona Ambush by Don Pendleton (1977)

This book represents the second Mack Bolan book I’ve read in the last year; the first, Missouri Deathwatch was a later entry in the series. This book is far earlier in the series and represents a better piece of work. The writing is tighter and snappier, and it doesn’t rely so heavily on the repetition of conventions.

In this book, Bolan goes to Arizona to tackle some drug trafficking, and he uncovers a military-type unit comprised of several fellows with a score to settle with Bolan from some unpleasantness in ‘Nam. This unit is part of an internecine war among the mafia whose stakes include an owned U.S. Senator. Bolan shows up and muddies the water, pretty much playing both ends against the middle and eliminating this particular bunch of bad men. As he does.

A better entry in the series, as I said. Although let’s talk about Bolan’s Warwagon. It took the book a long time to mention it’s actually an RV, which was a shame because I spent a lot of time trying to imagine a GMC that can support a full rocket battery, communications center, arsenal, and can unobtrusively tail a bunch of scared mobsters. Come to think of it, I still can’t, but I’ve never seen the Arizona highways. Maybe the desert is hilly enough that they would not see the RV that followed them from Tucson to their desert lair turn just a mile down the road and parallel their course. Maybe. But that’s the only real “Huh?” bit in the book.

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Book Report: The Joy of Junk by Cheryl Fall (2003)

This book is kinda like reading a collection of episodes of Creative Juice in that it provides as examples a number of step-by-step projects using old cast-offs to make new decorative things. One can make a jewelry box from a craft box and some old drawer pulls for legs, for example, or one can use the pages of books (perish the thought!) to create decoupaged storage boxes. Really, the most use of the book is in the tips for what sorts of cheap raw materials you should look out for at garage sales and the different ways of looking at and using ordinary things as parts of crafts. The more exposure to that one gets, the more crafty in an arts-and-crafts sort of way one can become. So the book is worth flipping through for that alone, if you’re into that sort of thing.

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Book Report: 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America by Bernard Goldberg (2005)

Okay, now I feel kinda dumb. Not only did I slog through a contemporary political screed book, but when I sat down to review it, I find I’ve already read it and reviewed it in 2006. I didn’t remember it. That should be an indicator of what I thought of it this time and, apparently, what I thought of it then, too.

A simple book to write, it’s a list blog post stretched into a couple hundred pages. It does call out some liberal influences that you might not be aware of (and which you’ll forget soon after reading, as I apparently did), but Goldberg is a little abrasive and name-calling even while attacking certain liberals for being abrasive and name-callers.

A difference in reading it today versus 2006: Three of the hundred are now dead. Anna Nicole Smith and Michael Jackson died from the very lifestyle excesses for which Goldberg pillories them. It seems gauche now to read someone speaking ill of them. The third is Teddy Kennedy, and Goldberg focuses on his political career, so it’s less unseemly to read harsh words about him.

I doubt the book will get any better with age, but these sorts of books aren’t supposed to have any longevity. On the plus side, I will remember now that I have read it. Twice.

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Book Report: The Magic of Scrub Holler by Lanny Gibson (2005)

This book is a short series of essays, some originally appearing in Gibson’s local newspaper, about life on a small farm in northwestern Arkansas. Gibson deals with calving, moving rocks, the benefits and pitfalls of owning goats, and other rural concerns. The essays are short and enjoyable, often with a wry sense of humor to them. Not a bad little collection.

I’m really getting into these rural accounts these days. The pattern began with Growing Up In The Bend and continues with other things I’ve since added to my bookshelf. Perhaps the inclination ties together my love for history and my new location in the rural Midwest.

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Book Report: Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling (1897, 1970)

I know you’re asking yourself, “Gentle reader, what is the longest a book has sat on Brian’s to-read shelves before he got around to reading it?” Gentle reader, I just want you to know I don’t find it odd in the least that you refer to yourself as “gentle reader” in your own mind. And that longest book, so far, has been about 30 years.

The copy of Captains Courageous that I received in the late 1970s or very early 1980s

I received this volume as a gift from my aunt and uncle in the late 1970s or early 1980s. We were living in the Berryland housing project in Milwaukee when we received this, a student desk, and a small two-shelf bookshelf from them (and maybe a couple more books). I remember this book distinctly because it was outsized. And to be honest, in 1981, I was not interested in sea stories. I was probably reading The Great Brain series, Encyclopedia Brown, and whatnot.

Fast forward to 2010 (and from 2010, it does seem like a fast forward), and I read historical novels, sea novels, and especially in the recent past, I read Rudyard Kipling. So I took this book from the to-read shelves. It hadn’t been on the to-read shelves for very long, though, since I’m pretty sure I didn’t carry it to Wisconsin nor count it on my to-read shelves for much of my youth. Sometime, though, I plucked it from my mother’s bookshelves or my mother’s estate’s bookshelves and reclaimed it. So I’m being maudlin a bit to say I’ve owned it for 30 years without reading it, and the chain of custody was broken.

But, Brian, what about the story?

This book is a coming-of-age story. A spoiled rich youth falls off of a Europe-bound steamer and is rescued by fishermen from a Gloucester schooner fishing the banks off of Newfoundland. When they don’t believe that he’s really a rich lad, they put him to work on the boat and he learns the value of hard work. Well, there’s the plot. It moves along very well–these are really the equivalent of Young Adult novels, back when YA novels taught children to work hard, grow up, and contribute to society. I think most of them now teach kids to serve Gaia and to love one another, even when the other does not love them back.

The book, as part of the Educators Classic Series, also includes a little afterward that tells about Kipling’s life and that describes sailing throughout history and especially in the era of the novel. You know, these old timey educators’ books with their endnotes and footnotes are pretty interesting if you’re not already an expert in the subject matter (as I am not–I read a Patrick O’Brian book and immediately wanted to take a Master’s level course on ships). In modern times, though, I expect all that extra material is, again, all about serving Gaia and how those damn white men didn’t love one another.

It’s an interesting book, a quick read, and a glimpse into another era from that other era. Kipling’s faster to read and more accessible than Dickens or Hardy and could serve as a good gateway to classical literature. I’ve already promised to read Kipling to my children. No other books are official promises for when they get older. Kipling, and Captains Courageous, are.

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