In Other Shatner News

A British tabloid has a headline that clashes with the news immediately after the event: Star Trek legend William Shatner confesses he ‘wasn’t impressed’ after visiting space

Last autumn, when he actually took the trip, our stories were different.

William Shatner delivers spacey monologue to Bezos after Blue Origin launch

“Everybody in the world needs to do this!” a tearful Shatner told the second-richest man in the world while others celebrated over champagne in the background.

“To see the moon come and whip by — now you’re staring into blackness — that’s the thing,” he added.

“The covering of blue, this blanket, this comforter of blue we have around us. We think, ‘Oh, that’s blue sky,’ and all of a sudden you shoot through it and you whip the sheet off you and you’re looking into blackness, into black nothingness.

“As you look down, there’s your blue down there with the black up there. There is Mother Earth and comfort and there is — is there death? I don’t know. Is that the way death is?” he asked.

“It was so moving. This experience, it’s something unbelievable.”

A British tabloid, making something up? Inconceivable!

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