ABC Books hosted an author signing today, so I ran up there after a martial arts class. Mrs. E. says she appreciates the support. I’m kind of like that first guy to arrive at a party, a relief to the host. I was actually there a bit before the author and his wife. Which gave me plenty of time to browse before the main event.
Which did not lead to too much profligacy.
I got:
- Lake Honor, Gone in the Night, and Shadow Valley by Alan Brown and Brian Brown. A father and son team, they wrote mysteries based on real cases (Lake Honor and Gone in the Night) and a completely original one. Originally from the Ozarks, the Browns live in the St. Louis area now, not far from the house we lived in Lemay for a time.
- The New Black Mask Quarterly #1 which features an interview with Robert B. Parker and a piece of The Promised Land. I am pretty sure that I bought the first copy I own of this off of eBay for more than the $4.95 this cost (there’s a current listing for $15 plus shipping and handling). Like when I bought a copy of the men’s magazine Gallery with Robert B. Parker’s “The Surrogate” in it for $100 on eBay and found another copy in the dirty magazines room of Downtown Books in Milwaukee for $1 after pawing through stacks to the ceiling for an hour.
- The Mizzou Fan’s Guide to the SEC as a gift for my mother-in-law (I’m back, baby!).
- Tom Moore’s Bermuda Poems by William Zuill. A short chapbook of poems. It looks to be in a line of books about Bermuda published by Bermuda.
- Introducing Machiavelli by Patrick Curry and Oscar Zarate. It’s a comic-booked intro that’s longer than The Prince itself. Probably akin to the Marxist tracts Sartre for Beginners and Einstein for Beginners.
So it’s only five books to lose in my stacks for a decade.
I am most likely to read Introducing Machiavelli or the poetry first, but I’m working on quite a stack of incomplete books currently, so it might be a while.