2021 Is On Me

I heard clicked through an Instapundit link to an article talking about the belief that eating blackeyed peas was good luck on New Year’s Day, so I thought, why not?

We stopped at the grocery store yesterday afternoon, and I saw that dry blackeyed peas should soak overnight and simmer for two hours. Too much work for good luck and prosperity for a whole year that’s not even a leap year.

So I went through the stocks at Nogglestead. As you might know, gentle reader, I have a couple cases cans on hand just in case, and I have been hitting the beans section of the locally owned grocery pretty frequently. But although I have black beans (in abundance), chili beans, Garbanzo beans, navy beans, and green beans in abundance, I had no blackeyed peas (or green peas untouched by violence either, for that matter).

I did, however, have purple hull peas, which look a lot like blackeyed peas. Which I only bought one can of because I’d never had them before.

I really hope that I have not done some sort of fortune-inversion by eating these instead.

Whatever happens in 2021, it’s on me. I take responsibility.

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