One Of These Things Is Like The Other

The front page of

On top, we have the paper going after a Hollywood evangelical for holding an event to pray for the country. The tone, of course, is look at the funny Christian.

The next headline down? Protesters vandalize St. Patrick’s Cathedral early New Year’s Day.

I ask you, gentle reader: Are these headlines culturally related? I would think so. I won’t say that Christians are the only group that one can easily marginalize safely in this, the third decade of the 21st century–skeptics who don’t believe in Received ScienceTM also come to mind. But this looks to be an attempt to dunk on a Christian who was on television before the journalist who wrote the story was born. And othering the Christians is what leads to vandalism against Christians and perhaps eventual violence against Christians. It’s happened before, and it happens now elsewhere in the world.

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