Another Notto Winner

Woman thought phone call was a scam before she inherited stranger’s £400,000 estate:

A woman who was told she was set to inherit a distant relative’s estate at first thought she was being sucked into a scam.

Lorraine Gesell, a 60-year-old living in Canada, received a call to say that her mother’s English cousin had died and that she was a beneficiary. In September 2021, Raymond Barry died alone aged 85 with no next of kin. However he left behind a sizeable estate worth more than £400,000. With no will either, there was no one set to inherit it.

I’ve heard this story before.

Big plans?

Lorraine hopes to go on a holiday with the money, but says she will probably spend it on home improvements instead.

Probably for the best, as:

In total, Finders International found 47 beneficiaries across New Zealand, Canada, Australia and throughout the UK – each taking a share of the estate.

Quick Internet math indicates that the at current exchange rates, that’s about $487,400. Heirs will give 30% to the heir hunter, and the recovered estate would pay for all legal bills, and each share would cap out at about $7,000 dollars. Hopefully not life-changing money, but helpful.

Ah, but what of your long-lost cousin’s case, Brian J.? I did not sign on, but fourteen different people apparently responded to the heir hunter. It’s in the window of six months for debtors to come forward with two or three months to go.

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