Nico, the clever kitten, earlier this month learned to somehow open the sliding screen door on our lower level. The night we returned from the conference in Iowa earlier this month, I opened the lower level door for some reason and slid the screen door closed; later in the evening, my son came looking for one of the kitten. They were doing a head count because the door was open. I thought perhaps that I had not completely closed the screen door.
However, last week, late in the evening, I noticed that the door was open again. The light was on, and I could see Cisco sitting on the retaining wall by the flower bed. I know the screen door was closed. I had turned on the light above it earlier, and it hadn’t been open then. I grabbed Cisco, and we went on a Nico hunt–he was under the dining room window–I had expected him to be near the house as it’s been over a year since he was an outdoor kitten, but I don’t want them to get comfortable out there and to explore further from the house when they get out–and although Muad’Dib has always been interested in getting into the garage when we leave the door open for a half-beat too long when passing through–they’re all expressing interest in the Big Room these days.
Fortunately, winter is coming, and we have a couple of months to think up a
But that’s not his latest trick: He has learned to remove one of the HVAC duct covers:
Fortunately, the floor ducts are 10″ by 2″, or else Nico would spend his days perfecting his John McClane impression.
Oh, and that facing record cover? (Try to find the kitten in the picture, gentle reader, try.) The Chase Is On by Carol Chase.
Which I bought five years ago because of the pretty woman on the cover.