Apparently, I remember glitter-inclusive Christmas cards about as long as a woman remembers the pain of childbirth–a little over a year (which is why so many siblings are about two years different in age, I often argue).
Because I got Christmas cards with glitter in them again, and now suddenly I am inadvertently sparkly.
Even my beautiful wife catches some bits of glitter, either floating through the air or from my touch when I have been working on the cards. It gives her a bit of a clubbing vibe, which she carries off better because she is something like twenty-seven years old whilst I am significantly older.
At least this year, I don’t have a beard, so the little unicorn dandruff isn’t getting caught in my facial hair. And I started and will finish my Christmas cards a couple of days earlier, which means the glitter will all finally be cleaned up a little earlier next August.
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