Good Book Hunting, November 8, 2018: Hooked on Books

So, once again, I found myself in Springfield with a little time before picking up my kids from school, and Hooked on Books is practically across the street from their school, and so….

I bought a number of books from the back room and the discount carts which were conveniently located in the philosophy aisle because it was raining outside.

I got:

  • Adam Bede by George Eliot. I’ll let you know if he proves to be venerable.
  • SEALs, UDT, Frogmen: Men Under Pressure by Darryl Young. To see how his work tracks with what Marcinko has been telling me.
  • Seal Team Seven: Specter by Keith Douglass. Ditto. Or Ibid.
  • Embrace the Suck by Stephen Madden. Strangely enough, this is not more of the same; it’s a guy who tries Cross Fit for a year.
  • Non-Fiction by Chuck Palahniuk. We’ll see. It’s the author of Fight Club, so you never know.
  • 21st Century: The Age of Sophia by Seiyu Kiriyama. I paid full, well, full used price for this book because it’s the intersection of Buddhism and Greek philosophy written by a Buddhist monk.
  • Special Delivery by Danielle Steel. I’ve wanted to read one of her best-selling novels since I read her collection of love poems last year. If I like it, there are a lot more on the dollar cart at Hooked on Books.

It’s a total of nine dollars’ worth of time killing.

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