It’s been a bad season for the local book fairs and Brian J. I missed the one in Clever because I didn’t know when it was (although since I’m a Friend of the Clever Library, I probably got a notification that I discarded). I missed the Christian County Library book sale due to car problems. But I managed to sneak off to the Friends of the Springfield-Greene County Library book sale yesterday.
Strangely, this one is at the upper limit of my size preference. There’s a lot to look at, and it would take hours to browse all the tables. So I headed to the LPs and went around the Classics and local books sections of the $1 books.
Here’s what I got:
I got 23 LPs, including:
- Portrait by Lynda Carter because… Lynda Carter.
- Playing to an Audience of One by David Soul to counter the notion that I buy albums based solely on attractive women on the cover. Also, if I was going to have Wonder Woman, I was going to have Hutch.
- Look Around by Sergio Mendes and Brasil ’66.
- A Christmas album by Eydie Gorme and Steve Lawrence.
- Big Bad John by Jimmy Dean because my mother had this song on a record (and I probably still do somewhere) and I wanted to play it for my children. The older one loves it already.
- Two jazz clarinet albums by Pete Fountains, French Quarter and Pete’s Place.
- My first Pat Boone album, Moonglow.
- Alley Cat by Guy Lombardo. Not because it has a cat on the cover, I swear. Although I did not buy any albums with dogs on the cover to balance it out.
- Inseperable by Natalie Cole.
- Music for Lovers by Sammy Davis, Jr.
- Music of Erin by Mary O’Hara.
And I got a boxed set of Bach’s Mass in D Minor.
I don’t mind throwing a dollar for an album by someone I don’t know; many of these, I’ll only listen to once and then only sporadically. However, I might find something I like and will not only listen to over and over again, but I’ll keep an eye out for other records (and other music formats) in the future. It explains why I have a pile of Eydie Gorme and Herb Alpert CDs and records.
At any rate, I didn’t let you down: I did buy some books, including:
- The Epic of Gilgamesh because I didn’t want that uncomfortable silence if one of my children were to ask me if we had it.
- A Red Cell novel, Vengeance, from this century that someone helpfully incorrectly classified as a classic.
- Collections of poetry by Rod McKuen and Gunter Grass.
- A couple of bundles of what I thought were chapbooks; however, these bundles look to be instructor’s guides to different authors and a writing workshop card set. I’m a little disappointed.
- A book about the writing of Ross McDonald, the creator of the Lew Archer series of books.
I don’t know if I’ll make it back tomorrow (Saturday, half price day). It’s not like I need more books, and this particular sale is more important to me for the LPs these days anyway.
Your Gilgamesh decision was prudent.
The vector in this particular interest on behalf of my offspring will, of course, be Gilgamesh’s membership in the Avengers.