A writer sez:
If you only write one book in your whole life, and only sell 600 copies or less, nonetheless, I assure you, I solemnly assure you, that this book will be someone’s absolutely favorite book of all time, and it will come to him on some dark day and give him sunlight, and open his eyes and fill his heart and make him see things in life even you never suspected, and will be his most precious tale, and it will live in his heart like the Book of Gold.
I’ve sold considerably fewer than six hundred copies, and I mailed out fifty or sixty copies for review, so I have to wonder if this holds true for John Donnelly’s Gold. I’ve gotten some nice reviews of it, and I’ve had some people tell me they didn’t care for it at all. It’s a serviceable and amusing bit of work, but not something that changes one’s life.
To think that it’s someone’s favorite book of all time? I don’t believe it.
(Link seen via Instapundit.)
While it’s not That One Great Book for me, John Donnelly’s Gold is a fine novel. You have every reason to be proud of it.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it connects with someone, somewhere, at a deeper level.