Yesterday, as I mentioned, we hit a book fair at a Methodist church just outside the MSU campus. It wasn’t very large, and its selection of fiction was essentially romance novels and a pile of James Patterson books. It did, however, have some old record albums, so I was able to stock up on some easy listening for my hi-fi.
I got:
- A copy of Sandford’s Rough Country. I’ve already read it, but it was a library book. I own it now. Someday, I’ll explain how G.P. Putnam hates libraries.
- A joke book.
- A collection of Peanuts cartoons entitled We Love You, Snoopy.
- The Romances of Hezekiah Mitchell, a local author’s book. I might already own it, as I’ve seen it often enough, but in case I don’t, I bought one for fifty cents.
- Tales from the Bark Side, a collection of dog things.
- Several books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
- Profiles in Courage, which I haven’t read since the sixth grade when Mrs. Pickering had a rack of paperbacks she’d let us borrow.
- Cosa Nostra, something in a suspense series from 1971 from a lesser known publishing house.
- A short story in a pamphlet that was a promotional giveaway of some sort or another.
My beautiful wife got a couple books and cookbooks. The children got four books, not depicted because they couldn’t wait until we got home to have them out and paged through.
It’s the gearing up phase: The Friends of the Springfield-Greene County Library and the Friends of the Christian County Library will hold their book fairs later this month.
Soon, we will need to move or put an addition onto our house to house the continuing (!) growth of the library.