Book Report: Creative Juice by Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza (2007)

As some of you know, I love the television program Creative Juice and blame it for the masculinity-reducing program I’ve undertaken. I started watching it a couple years ago when I was looking for a 30 minute episodic program I could watch while feeding my child (with a bottle, and the firstborn, so it’s 3 years or more). Each program has four short craft projects, and I’ve watched most of them by now considering that the show only ran for 3 years.

This book collects a couple of the projects I recognize from the show and some I don’t. As always, the crafts work with a variety of media and do some creative repurposing.

So I have nothing snarky to say about the book. Really, I only browse these to get ideas, so I don’t get to into the individual steps of the individual projects. This book is good fodder for the imagination, so it suited my desires.

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