Allegedly, He Also Liked Dogs

You know what I find stunning about this article, entitled "Shrine to Hitler unnerves community"? Not that some nutty 87-year-old farmer who claims to have been SS has made a shrine in the first place. No, it’s this excessive display of journalistic objectivity:

It’s a beautiful location for a memorial to a man who most believe started World War II, in which 50 million people died, including more than 6 million Jewish people in the Holocaust – that’s all part of what Junker disputes as bunk. [Emphasis added]

So the softening of our collective memory continues; most believe that Hitler started World War II, but since it’s not unanimous, we have to temper our assertion. After all, it could have been Churchill, or Roosevelt, or Karl Rovinski who tricked the Germans into invading Poland, or the aliens who would later crash at Roswell.

Maybe our current leaders are like Hitler, because he apparently wasn’t so bad after all.

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