PachyBlogging Day4, Part LVIII

George W. Bush: Summation.

Was it the speech of his life? I don’t know. I haven’t seen them all.

He covered all the bases: foreign policy, domestic policy, past, present, future; himself, with perspective and humor, and his office. He knows the Republicans in the hall and in the nation don’t agree with everything he says and does, but he hopes you respect him for his principles and for his ability to stick to them.

I do, Mr. President, I do.

I would say “O Captain, my Captain,” but:

  • I’m not a Whitman fan.
  • I’m afraid a lot of people would think it was an allusion to Dead Poets’ Society.
  • This is no occasion for an elegy; I hope our journey has only reached the midway point.

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PachyBlogging Day4, Part LV

George W. Bush.

The self-deprecating humor, regarding Arnold correcting his English and his Texas “walk” humanizes him greatly.

Unlike certain other elements of American political society, George W. Bush and others I admire recognize their foibles and can occasionally laugh about them.

Does Franken mock himself? I’m not asking rhetorically; I don’t know. I don’t listen to him.

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PachyBlogging Day4, Part LIII

George W. Bush.

He’s adding historical context, comparing Germany 1946 with Iraq.

“Maybe that person is still around, writing editorials.” Sweet.

Comparing himself (indirectly) to Truman (or perhaps contrasting Kerry with Truman) works. Come to think of it, couldn’t both John Kerry and John Edwards run and succeed in Wisconsin?

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PachyBlogging Day4, Part XLV

George W. Bush.

Back up a minute: Bush said he’d appoint judges who could distinguish between the law and their personal opinions. This does fly in the face of certain opponents, who have espoused “The political is the personal,” and it hearkens back to the Stoic(?) concept of understanding the difference between Public and Private man.

Of course, I never read a stoic, but I do have a degree in social philosophy.

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