
Dr. Michael Williams, upon completing his PhD, contemplates a career in technical writing.

Sure, it sounds like a good idea. If you have a freaking English degree and are tired of bouncing around retail jobs.

But a PhD? That would seem like getting a law degree and passing the bar so you can edit phone directory ads for attorneys.

Please, Dr. Williams, think of the starving English majors you’ll displace!

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For the Love of Pete, Someone Hit Me


Today, MfBJN has tripped over into the six digits. If my sitemeter were done in Atari 2600 Asteroids, I’d be at about 20 hitz. But it’s not, and after only three years here in the blogging backwaters, I’m finally amongst the at least eliter cabal of people who have more hitz than debt.

On the other hand, it will take me until 2033 at this pace to equal the annual traffic of relative newcomers like Ann Althouse, but then again, I’m not a PILF (Professor Instapundit Links Frequently).

But I’ll keep plugging away, gentle reader, because otherwise I’d just play Civilization IV until my eyes bled.

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Kevin McGehee: Stuck on Seventies

Kevin McGehee, of Yippie Ki Yay, is stuck in the past. Case in point, this category: Truckin’. The last time I saw the word trucking without the g was probably sometime 1981 on a hand-me-down t-shirt with an iron-on decal with a hitchhiker’s thumb in the air. Which leads me to wonder…is Kevin McGehee stuck on the Seventies? Let’s look at the evidence:

  • Kevin McGehee still has a Bruce Jenner poster on his dining room wall and keeps a Bruce Jenner Wheaties box on his bedside table. His wife has commented on the poster, telling him to take it down….so she can replace it with a Greg LeMond poster.
  • McGehee has 7 letters. Writing McGehee 11 times (McGehee McGehee McGehee McGehee McGehee McGehee McGehee McGehee McGehee McGehee McGehee) has 77 letters….like 1977! The numbers don’t lie!
  • Two words: Mus Tache

    Kevin McGehee and his Cop Mustache

Granted, these are only a few signs, but I think they warrant an intervention by the blogosphere, or at least the two bloggers who like him.
Yes, it’s true I’ve got some truck with McGehee, but I only wish him the best, and hope that he comes to be stuck in the 1990s like so many of us.

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Kevin McGehee Has No Geek Cred

Some of you readers might know that I have this thing about Kevin McGehee of Yippee-Ki-Yay!.

"Why?" Some of you ask. "After all, McGehee is cool; he’s got a Web log."

That’s not enough.

Kevin McGehee Lacks Geek Cred

Signs include:

  • First of all, let’s address this.
    • Dude, where’s the mad Photoshopping skillz? I mean, come on, Microsoft Paint comes with your computer; put your back into it!
    • Of all the characters in an obscure 30-year-old movie, you’re comparing me to Riff Raff? Dude, the only character only arguably better in the movie is Eddie. I’m not suffering here.
  • Word on the street is that Kevin McGehee actually welcomed the Second Edition Rules. I’m just sayin’.
  • Kevin McGehee: DC. Me: Marvel.
  • In the great debate of Microsoft versus Linux, Kevin McGehee answers, "Paper inside plastic."
  • Kevin McGehee claims his first computer was a "386-16MHz PC with a 40MB hard drive and 4MB of RAM, and with Windows 3.0 installed." Brother, if your first computer didn’t have a brand like Commodore, Apple, Texas Instruments, Tandy/TRS, or Timex, much less had a freaking hard drive, get out of town.
  • Kevin McGehee doesn’t know the difference between Florida DOT S1 Mixes and Wisconsin SuperPave PG 58-28 mixes. (Okay, so that’s a bullet point that indicates that McGehee lacks street cred; however, I’ll include it here because I need to flesh out this list.

Friends, I have met geeks in my life, and Kevin McGehee is nothing but a potential Commie cyborg from the past pretending to be a geek to win your confidence.

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McGehee: Commie Cyborg from the Past?

Recent discoveries lead me to believe that McGehee, of Yippee-Ki-Yay, might be a commie cyborg sent from the past. For instance, the following photograph, faxed to a Killian, Texas, Kinko’s in 1948 would support this hypothesis:

McGehee: Commie Cyborg

Apparently, the Reds knew their way of life was doomed after World War II. Using a time machine, they sent a cyborg into the future to…. Well, let’s not dwell on the finer lines of the plot. However, let’s look at the evidence that McGehee might very well be that cyborg:

  1. Is it any coincidence he settled down in Georgia?
  2. Obviously, his cover name was supposed to be McGee, but the translation from the Cyrillic alphabet led to the misspelling.
  3. He’s blogging at Yippee-Ki-Yay, the call of the American individualist. He’s obviously covering something.

Keep in mind, this is just a theory. Why, some would even say the photograph is faked, to which I would respond….perhaps the Russkies did that on purpose for disinformation. We’ll never know.

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McGehee’s Latest Salvo Falls Short

McGehee, in his ongoing futile resistance to my one-sided blog yee-hawd against him, says:

    Bring it on, buddy. I’ve got a cupboard full of pickles and a freezer full of ice cream. We’ll see how your chosen method of attack works out.

So be it. You know what? He’s a lot like Pajamas Media. How?

Top Ways McGehee Is Like Pajamas Media

  1. Both have advertisements.
  2. McGehee Zone/web log has five syllables. Pajamas Media has five syllables (if you sort of slur the end of media.
  3. Neither can pick a name and stick to it. Blogosferics became Yippie-Ki-Yay. Pajamas Media became Open Source Media briefly, but it’s back to Pajamas Media.
  4. Chuck Norris doesn’t know either of them even exists.

Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg in McGehee’s perfidy.

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Blog Yee-Hawd

McGehee of Yippie-Ki-Yay, piqued because any time I feel like it I can beat him in Outside the Beltway caption contests, has decided that I am not worth trifling with:

Anyone getting more traffic than me wouldn’t notice me trying to pick a fight, and if I pick a fight with someone getting less traffic than me, he and I would be the only ones to notice.

Not true, sir; I proclaim this an official MfBJN Blog Yee-Hawd, and my glorious army of reader (singular) vow revenge!

Go get him, honey. He wouldn’t hurt a pregnant woman.

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