
Dr. Michael Williams, upon completing his PhD, contemplates a career in technical writing.

Sure, it sounds like a good idea. If you have a freaking English degree and are tired of bouncing around retail jobs.

But a PhD? That would seem like getting a law degree and passing the bar so you can edit phone directory ads for attorneys.

Please, Dr. Williams, think of the starving English majors you’ll displace!

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1 thought on “Insanity

  1. I don’t know what it is about your trackbacks, but they keep getting caught by my spam filter. So, twice as many apologies as last time, but please send the trackback again! And thanks for the link!

    As for the content, I’m hoping to do some technical/research oriented work that will take advantage of my PhD expertise… I’ve got a few leads… we’ll see if it ever turns into anything.

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