Answering a Question With a Question

Instapundit asks:

ARE BLOGGERS a sickly lot?

I counter:

ARE BLOGGERS a fertile lot?


  • The Patriette:
      It will be the first time we’ve seen each other since I found out that I was pregnant back in September!
  • VodkaPundit:
      One last thing. Assuming I can get online from the hospital, I’ll be liveblogging the birth sometime in the next four-to-14 days. That is, assuming Melissa doesn’t break all my fingers in the process.
  • My beautiful wife:
      I’m still alive and well. Though not always feeling 100% of late, but that’s ok. There’s a little Noggle due to arrive on June 30, 2006.
  • Sarah K.
      ok, so we’re on the Disney Magic, having a magical time. we’ve just arrived back in our room after dinner at Palo, the super-fancy restaurant on the ship….

    (give them time, they’re just married….)

Sickly, but fertile? Or is the blogosphere just a large Tarot card dataset from which you can derive data to support any conclusion?

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