In the overnight open thread at Ace of Spades HQ last night, TRex posted this quiz:
How many have my children heard me use? Probably 30 or 32:
- Shucks
- Rats
- Gosh
- Sheesh
- Flippin
- Ticked
- Heck
- Jeepers
- Snot
- Wing nut
- Criminey
- Cripes
- Crepes
- Good grief
- Cotton pickin
- Malarky
- What the hey
- Dagnabbit
- Confound it
- Great googly moogly
- Great Caesar’s ghost
- Geez Louise
- Judas Priest
- Kiss my grits
- Heavens to Betsy
- What the devil
- Jumpin’ Jehosophat
- Gee wilikers
- Horse hockey
- For Heaven’s sake
- For Pete’s sake
- For cryin’ out loud
“Great Caesar’s ghost!” because I watched the old Superman television show back in the day.
“Geez Louise” because I’m from Wisconsin, and it sounds better in the original.
And I used “Dagnabit” so much that my youngest son used it all the time when he was five or six years old.