How’s The Job Hunt Going?

This sounds good: Life on Britain’s most remote inhabited island as job with £58k salary opens up:

The UK’s most remotely inhabited island is looking for a teacher for a class of just three pupils, for a total salary of 58k per year.

Fair Isle, off Scotland, is located between the Shetland and Orkney archipelagos and holds a school with a miniscule two students attending – with a third younger student due to start in the near future.

Although, to be honest, I’m not high on Britain these days. Post this job in Maine, and maybe I’d go for it.

Another except:

The school is led by a shared head teacher from Sandwick Junior High School and the current school staff include, a singular supply teacher, one assistant clerical assistant and one supervisory assistant and instructors.

Dayum, that’s a lot of employees for a school that serves two, and soon three, students.

Maybe I’m too familiar with the lean and mean machines of one-room school houses to think that’s a good idea.

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