The Era of Endless Reboots…. In Political “Thought”

Chris Bray talks about contemporary and past conversations he has had about the Republican camps:

I’ve written before that I had a conversation just after the 2016 election in which I was asked how I could support someone who was going to put my own friends and family in the camps, man, he’s gonna put us in the fucking camps!

Eight years later, and after four years of a Trump presidency in which no one went to the camps, Trump can’t be allowed to return to the White House because, guess what, he’ll send us all to the camps….

A mere eight years? Ah, gentle reader, I lost a real life friendship twenty years ago when I scoffed at the idea my friend (and another person who stood at my wedding) extolled: George W. Bush was going to put all the Jews in camps (the fellow’s wife is Jewish, and we attended their Jewish wedding, albeit not a traditional Jewish wedding as she was marrying outside the faith).

Fast forward to now, and one of my soon-to-be former coworkers has expressed concern that Donald Trump is going to deport his foreign-born, green-card-holding wife. He is far too young to remember the Jewish roundup in the second second Bush administration.

It’s all so tiresome.

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