Movie Report: Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector (2006)

Book coverNot to get all recycler tour on you, but apparently on September 24, 2009, I said on Facebook, “Brian J. Noggle fears that, if they discover that he laughs at Larry the Cable Guy movies, Marquette will take away his philosophy degree.” Which is funny in itself: Looking at the list of his credits on IMDB, I’m trying to think what Larry the Cable Guy film I saw fifteen years ago. Witless Protection? Delta Farce? Or this very film? So I laughed that long time ago, but I have forgotten what I was laughing at. It must have been on the DVR in that period right after I moved, or I have lost it in the media library. Or I was referring to a stand-up special instead of a movie.

Alright, alright, alright, what do we have here? Larry plays a loose cannon health inspector who knows all the restaurant owners in his city or territory, but his boss, played by Biff from the Back to the Future movies, wants him out. So he, the boss, pairs Larry with a straight-arrow young woman played by Iris Bahr. Together, they investigate a series of incidents at better restaurants where diners are getting sick–and Larry himself falls prey to an intestinal disorder while on a date with a pretty waitress played by Megyn Price. Which seems to point to someone eliminating rivals from the city’s Top Chef competition.

I don’t know if I laughed out loud at anything here. I mean, it’s got the standard potty humor and running gags, like Larry using inappropriate idioms with a colleague in a wheelchair or referring to his partner, who wears her hair in a tight bun and wears pants suits, as a boy. The film is amusing in spots, especially if you’re a fan of the Blue Collar Comedy tours. Which I’ve seen but before I was wasting your time with twee comments on every thing I watch. It’s no comedy classic, though, so not to be remembered fondly or culturally. If I remember it all in fifteen years.

And, sadly, it hasn’t led to any Megyn Price versus Iris Bahr or Jane versus Butlin arguments on the Internet even though it was released at the height of the blogging world.

Megyn Price played Jane, the pretty waitress that Larry dates.

She is very pretty in a very approachable way. She’s had some success on television, including a long run in a program called Rules of Engagement which ran for five or six years not long after this film came out. I’d previously seen her in Mystery, Alaska which I saw in the cinema in the double-before time (before September 11, before children), and I’ll see her in it again someday as it’s in the to-watch media cabinet (but not atop it, where the films tend to get first pick when I want to watch something).

Iris Bahr, Sgt. Iris Bahr of the IDF plays the straight-arrow partner Amy Butlin:

She, too, has worked mostly on television and in video games, so I haven’t seen her in anything else.

Nothing against Sgt. Bahr, but I’m on team Jane.

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