When Life Gives You Buckets….

I mentioned last month that painting the fence and tending the pool left me with a number of empty buckets in my garage and in my driveway, and I was not sure if I knew what I was going to do with them.

Well, this weekend, I used a bunch of them in lieu of saw horses to keep the new record shelves I was building out of the grass so I could paint them.

Also in Nogglestead news: I have finally built the record shelving that I’ve needed since, well, before I got deluged with free records in May.

I have three short stackable shelves to fit the empty wall in the parlor where we used to have a CD holder. But my beautiful wife took it to furnish her office downtown, giving us space for more record storage.

But! She gave up the office before I built the shelving, so the CDs are now in our foyer.

I hope to put the longer set of shelving under our console stereo. However, in the middle of the night, I spent far too many brain cycles thinking, “Aw, man, I measured for the length of the stereo, but what if the shelving is not as deep as the stereo? What will I do then?”

I guess I will find out this afternoon when I bring the shelving in.

And then I guess I’ll finally put the buckets in the shed with the extra wood that I bought for the shelving which I did not end up using.

Will this be enough to make me comfortable going to the book sale next weekend and buying a stack of fifty cent records? This, too, will be TBD until I get all the records off of the desk in the parlor (and maybe out of the boxes under the desk in the parlor which we received as part of my mother-in-law’s downsizing two and a half years ago–not to mention the box or two of my mother’s pop records which have been in storage for a long time as well).

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