On Discoveries America: Wisconsin (2006)

Book coverI got this DVD in 2023, and when I had the urge to watch a short little something the other night, I popped this in. After all, I have to start making some room as the friends of the Springfield-Greene County Library book sale is coming up again next month, and I am more likely to go nuts on movies than books or even records (unless I do get the additional record shelves built before then).

So: This is a little cableish travel documentary on Wisconsin. Well, no, it’s more a series of segments on different places to go in Wisconsin. It includes Milwaukee, Waterloo (well, the Trek bike company in Waterloo), Wisconsin Dells (well, Noah’s Ark water park), Baraboo (well, the Circus World Museum and not the Village Booksmith book shop), Door County, Eagle River, and a couple things about making cheese and log rolling (in LaCrosse, if I recall).

The segments are pretty brief, but they are informative when they show cheese being made, cows being milked, or bicycles in various states of construction. Watching a brief review of Milwaukee and its river walk or a promo for Noah’s Ark (where the water animals play, he sang, remembering a thirty-year-old jingle) less so. I have to wonder if some of the locations/attractions paid to be included. But not all of them; I cannot imagine the little dairy that opens the show paid nor the cheese factory, but who knows?

At any rate, I kinda kept a running checklist of the places I’d been (Milwaukee, Baraboo, Wisconsin Dells, La Crosse) and the places I would like to go (Door County). And, yes, if you’re wondering, I did end up with a lingering Wisconsin accent for a day or so after watching. Less than actual visiting Wisconsin, though, and it’s been too long since I have. So maybe the cost in wistfulinaiety might be high, personally speaking.

I’m not that eager to watch/purchase others in the line, even Missouri. But who knows? When the berzerker frenzy of buying on half-price day veils my eyes, no one can tell what might end up in my boxes.

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