Book Report: Scientific Progress Goes “Boink” by Bill Watterson (1991)

Book coverLike Post Scripts Humor, I picked this book up in Clever last month and used it as a break from reading Walden (which itself is a break, a long break, from The Life of Greece and The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, both of which I will finish this decade, maybe). I’ve read fewer Calvin and Hobbes books during the lifetime of this blog (The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes in 2004 and Calvin and Hobbes: The Sunday Pages in 2015) than Dilbert for some reason, which is odd, as Calvin and Hobbes would be more universal and timeless. Well, except that sometime in this century, Calvin’s adventures would have been nothing but staring at an electronic device of some sort.

So this is a contiguous arc of stories dealing with Calvin duplicating himself and Calvin locking the babysitter out as well as shorter, one-offs or couple of days’ worth of Spaceman Spiff and whatnot. Given that the book itself came out in 1991, presumably these appeared in newspapers while I was in high school. A couple of years later, they’re still relatively fresh and amusing.

I mentioned in one of the other book reports (for The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes) that you could still find unlicensed decals of Calvin peeing on auto logos and whatnot–ten years after the strip ended. Well, I guess it’s twenty more years later, and you don’t see them around much any more. So the hold on the public imagination is fading. The more the pity. But I have used the word transmogrify in conversation recently, and it’s not because I ran across it in a 17th century tome. Although with me, I suppose that’s not out of the question.

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