A Collector’s Item

One of my favorite mini-games in the role-playing game of life is to count how many magazines in the racks at the grocery store checkout stand have Taylor Swift on the cover.

On a recent trip, I thought the answer was three (the range generally runs between three and six) when my son pointed out that she was also on the cover of one of the digest-sized puzzle magazines. So it was. Four.

I thought about picking it up, and at the last minute did throw it onto the belt. And now I own it.

Mainly, I wanted to see how they could make a Taylor Swift-themed sudoku–what, did they only fill in the 8s and 7s? But, no. The regular sudokus are regular sudokus, but apparently, they have invented a “picture” sudoku, presumably for puzzle fans who don’t like math, and these have little images kinda related to women singers.

I probably will bag this and throw it into a collectible magazine bin. I mean, I don’t do puzzles that frequently. I have several crossword puzzle books that I inherited from my sainted mother which still have more of her handwriting in them than mine. I have a collection of old GAMES magazines from when we got a subscription for our young son who liked games (but preferred dot-to-dots). Wow, that’s been a while; GAMES merged with another magazine in 2014.

Not that anyone will collect anything in the future, but it will be a little something to burn to keep warm when needed.

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