Some Facebook entity wants me to click through to a quiz of some sort:
Obscure 80s lyrics, these?
She was a fast machine
She kept her motor clean
She was the best damn woman
That I’ve ever seen
AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long”, obscure?
The song is still on heavy rotation on the radio, both on “80s, 90s, and Today!” stations and the classic rock stations.
Oh. On the radio. Where the kids today don’t hear it because they don’t listen to the radio.
When I wanted actually obscure, I could listen to the replays of American Top 40 from the 80s, with Casey Kasem. The top hits still pop up on the radio when they’re part of a cheap rights package for radio stations, but when you get down to the 20-something hottest song from July 1985, you’ll hear songs you haven’t heard since then.
But AC/DC’s biggest song? Not obscure.
Also, why is 80s music “World History”? Oh, because we’re a shallow and foolish populace in the 21st century. Never mind, I did not ask.