Lileks today has a picture from downtown Minneapolis:
That’s a pussy willow. We don’t have those in Missouri. Unlike when I said we didn’t have white birch only to find that the park near our house in Old Trees was riot with them, I checked the range of the American Pussy Willow, which appears a bit in Northern Missouri, but certainly not here in the Ozarks. When I was a boy, and later a student at the university, I would have seen blooming pussy willows every spring. And as a man, I had not noticed I was not seeing them until today.
A couple points:
- Aren’t you afraid of stealing Lileks’ photo here? C’mon, man, he still could have the Nonfungible Token on it (Link via Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit).
- Aren’t you afraid by naming that tree several times that you’ll suddenly be beset with Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans looking for, erm, spicy pictures of Alyson Hannigan? Gentle reader, I am counting on it. I could use the traffic. So below the fold, I’ll post a picture of Alyson Hannigan.
At any rate, I have the sudden urge to plant some pussy willow trees at Nogglestead; likely, though, they would fare only as well as the Lileks lilacs.
This is apparently a picture of Ms. Hannigan from 2018:
Wherein Ms. Hannigan is (checks notes) in her middle 40s?
One thing I will say for the 21st century is that women seem able to maintain ageless beauty easier. I am not speaking only of celebrities, who have access and funding for the latest cosmetic medicine advances, but also normal women. Or extraordinary women, such as my beautiful wife; I have a slideshow of family photos running on a monitor nearby all day, and I get a steady stream of her photographs from the last twenty-five years or more, and I am hard pressed to tell where she is 25 and where she is still 25, but the photos were taken at Nogglestead.
Wait, how did we get from trees to a feeble Rule 5 post? All in a desperate bid, gentle reader, to get people on the Internet to:
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