Good Buddhist In Custody (Again)

So I am listening to an audio course lecture series on Buddhism, and it’s from the turn of the century, so it’s holding Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar (formerly Burma, but so formerly that I probably don’t have to say that any more, although I probably should explain to public school kids where Burma is, but I won’t–this is the Internet. Look it up.) as an exemplary Buddhist.

I remembered the name, where she was from, and a bit about her doings before I heard the course (even though I went to public school, gentle reader, but that was in the last century, which was a whole different civilization ago). And I wondered if she was still around.

Well, apparently so.

DIVISIVE LEADER Who is Aung San Suu Kyi and why has Myanmar’s leader been arrested?

Apparently, a military coup in Myanmar has swept her government, recently reelected, from power and has returned her to her most famous state, being held prisoner by a military junta.

I will mostly spare you the blogger-stock glib quips. I have only sparsely thought of Myanmar/Burma, so I have no idea what’s going on there. They allege corruption and fraudulent elections, but that’s very common. Even in the United State in this new civilization we’ve got.

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