Coronaschooling, Efficiency Edition

Today at Nogglestead, we’re doing some efficient homeschooling. We’re studying both the Spanish language and sex education reviewing the works of Shakira.

Eeesh, just kidding. If I wanted my boys to be educated like that, I’d send them to public school.

Although I own the album She Wolf, I really can’t watch the whole video. I get to a certain point, and I start thinking less about how flexible Shakira is and more about how many adductor muscles I would tear if I tried to do what she’s doing.

You know, a lot of time, I cross-post these gags on Facebook so people I’ve met in real life can see them, but I didn’t post this one as my Facebook friends list contains an awful lot of pastors.

Sorry, Friar, I don’t mean to shock you with some of my more earthy posts.

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4 thoughts on “Coronaschooling, Efficiency Edition

  1. Wait, you mean there’s sex on the internet? Nobody told me!

    No apologies needed. I’ve worked as a campus chaplain and have seen many things…


  2. You know, half of the pastors at my church are millenials. They’ve probably seen more than I have. Heaven knows they have more tattoos than I do, and we’re at a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church, for Pete’s sake.

    When we lived in St. Louis, we had the wife of a seminarian watch our son(s) for us during the day sometimes. Her husband was a former Milwaukee police officer, so he surely had seen some things.

    I guess men of the cloth are no longer the stereotypical vicars of Victorian literature.

    But I’m not going to be sharing off-color jokes with any of y’all at any time in the near future, Shakira videos notwithstanding.

  3. One of the major things we clergy appreciate about the chance to get together with colleagues is hearing new risqué jokes, as we are usually the only ones who will tell them to each other…

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