Well, ABC Books had a book signing on Saturday, so of course I went to pick up a copy of a local author’s work. Well, two local authors’ work. And a couple other things.
The two fellows signing books were Jordan Bennett and Michael Jay, both fresh out of school and presenting their post-apocalyptic fantasy novel The Book of Heroes (the first volume of a continuing series called The Books of Magic).
I also got:
- The next Little House book, The Long Winter.
- A chapbook called Gettysburg Visions by Sam Weaver.
- The Ninja and Their Secret Fighting Art by Stephen K. Hayes.
I noticed that the Martial Arts section had a couple new titles (well, not for long) and that the Football section next to it had a couple more Green Bay Packers titles.
It’s almost like the proprietrix or the more technologically minded manager have figured me out.