This book is a collection of Wisconsin place names with pronunciations for each. It has been published in three editions starting in the 1930s; this edition is from 1968, and it’s a product of the University of Wisconsin Extension Office. So it’s not unlike the provenance of David Burton’s A History of Rural Schools in Greene County, Missouri.
At any rate, I flipped through the book while watching a Packers football game, and I tried to say the names before I read the pronunciations, and I did fairly well, I think. Of course, the names are all said relatively like they look (and I’m steeped from my youth in saying Native American Indian place names). So it’s quite unlike Missouri place names, where even when you think you should know how to pronounce it, you’re wrong (see Boliver, Cuba, Nevada, and so on).
I did have a couple of disputes with it, though. Here’s a sample page, by the way, with one of the disputed pronunciations:
Wisconsin does not have an O sound in it; it is wisKHANsin. Also, there is no L in Mi’WAHkee.
But a quick and interesting flip through during the football game, as I said.