In addition to albums, I bought some books from the Better Books section. I focused mainly on art, local interest, and history because my child’s behavior was on a countdown timer.
Here’s what I got:
They include:
- Two books by local attorney Dee Wampler, Defending Yourself Against Cops and One Nation Under God. Both are signed.
- Two copies of the Medænas Monograph for Camille Pissarro. I thought I’d picked up copies for two different artists, but it turns out they’re the same. It would have helped if the cover had an image and the artist’s name like the one I just read for Rubens.
- A collection of art by Hiroshage to ensure I don’t really care for Oriental art.
- A collection of Raphael.
- Tolstoy’s A Confession and Other Religious Writings.
- More True Tales of Old Kansas, an anecdotal history of Kansas.
- A Winston Churchill history of World War I, The World Crisis.
- Swords Around the Throne, a history of Napoleon’s army.
- Seven Years of Highly Defective People, a Dilbert book by Scott Adams. I don’t know if I already had this book, but I know I have to start re-buying them as my oldest child has started appropriating other Dilbert books.
- The Presidents: Tidbits and Trivia.
- Old Saint Louis Homes: The Stories They Tell.
- A collection of Ozarks photographs called Backroads of the Ozarks
- Cartooning with the Simpsons, a book about how to cartoon the Simpsons way. I bought it for the kids.
As you can see, I was focusing on books I can browse through football games and whatnot. A more disciplined approach than some days where I’ve come out of a book sale with 40 or 50 books, but apparently I now save that profligacy for record albums.
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