You might have noticed it was quiet around here for the last week or so, gentle reader. If you live in Southwest Florida, you might have noticed it was a little louder. That’s because I took a trip down to Sanibel Island and Marco Island for some important sunburn time. Although we did only found one “used book store” (actually a stall in an antique mall in Naples), I managed to pick up some Florida-themed reading at Wickham’s Books South as well as some of the other retail bookstores in the area. Most of them, actually, came from the Barnes and Noble discount rack, where I thought if a book looked interesting, it would cost more to buy on the Internet later (where it would not be 75% off), so I bought it. The thinnest of pretexts.
Here’s what I got:
- The Optimists’ Handbook/The Pessimists Handbook, a bit of humor.
- Beggars, Cheats and Forgers, a compendium of Beggars and Cheats and Forgers, apparently.
- Insane City by Dave Barry. I enjoyed Big Trouble at full price because I’d run though almost my whole stack of brought and bought books by the time we got to Barnes and Noble. Of course, when I found other discounted books to read, I kept this one. Because Dave Barry.
- I Will Fight My Own Damn War, a self-published World War II memoir by a pilot.
- A Brief History of Sanibel Island, a book about the history of the first place we stayed in Florida. I must learn the history of everywhere I go so I can tell my children about it, even if it’s a couple hours later.
- The Last Paradise: The Building of Marco Island, a history of Marco Island, the other place we stayed on vacation.
- The Sanibel Sunset Detective by Ron Base, the first book in a series of mysteries set on Sanibel Island.
- The Sanibel-Cayman Disc by Thomas D. Cochrun, the second in a series of international thrillers tied to Sanibel Island. This Sanibel Island sounds kinda dangerous. It’s a good thing I didn’t get these books before I went.
- Garage Sale Diamonds, a book somewhere in a series about garage sales and mysteries. It was discounted.
- Taichi: The Story of a Chinese Master in America. I’m hoping it’s a touch above the Kung Fu tie-in paperbacks, but it’s self-published.
I spent more than I normally would, but that’s par for anything on vacation. Also, note I have already read three of these books, so you’ll get them in more detail presently. Or you already have if you’re reading multiple posts in reverse chronological order.
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