On Saturday, I dragged my family to the Friends of the Christian County Library book fair in Ozark, Missouri. I say “dragged” because it was their second time there, as they had some free time on Thursday and were in Ozark. So they’d already bought a couple of books, but my beautiful wife found something among the gleanings.
As it was the last day, it was bag day, so I bought a number of duplicates just in case I didn’t have them already. In many cases, I did.
So here’s my stack:
Among the stack, I got:
- Two new Classics Club editions (out of four I bought): Beginnings of Modern Science edited by Holmes Boynton and The Law of War and Peace by Hugo Grotius.
- Nightfall and Other Stories AND Nightfall the novel by Isaac Asimov.
- A new collection of Great Books summary sorts of books. I think I’m missing one volume in the set, which means I’ll spend blog inches in the future explaining how I’ve bought duplicates of volumes in this set chasing the missing volume.
- The Blues Brothers movie tie-in novel.
- Lincoln on Leadership.
- The Nitpicker’s Guide for Classic Trekkers, a book that takes apart the original Star Trek series.
- Two Heinlein novels, Glory Road and The Number of the Beast.
- How to Live Like A Lord Without Really Trying.
- A Nero Wolfe novel, The Rubber Band.
- Classics such as Ivanhoe and Captain Horatio Hornblower.
- A biography of da Vinci called Leonardo the Florentine.
- A couple slender volumes of poetry.
- The Book of Mormon. Undoubtedly, this is a duplicate. One can’t avoid picking one of these up somewhere or having one hand-delivered, can one?
- A collection of fantasy stories called, appropriately, Modern Classics of Fantasy.
- &c.
Quite an eclectic mix of things I’d like to read soon. As soon as I read the other things, I mean.
And a lot of things to ship off to some unsuspecting person.
The total spent: $20. It was six bags at $2 each plus a bit more for the Friends of the Library.
This week, we’ve got the Friends of the Clever Library on Saturday, and the Friends of the Springfield-Greene County Library sale begins next week. Which is the whole season, practically, in the southwest Missouri area, which is unlike St. Louis, where churches and whatnot run little book sales all summer. Which is fortunate for me, as I am about out of bookshelf space here at Nogglestead.