I don’t mean to go on about things one finds in the Forbes Life holiday gift giving guide (see also), but they’ve got $300 velvet slippers that you can get:
Today’s slippers announce you in a fashion far livelier than a flat-footed monogram. Go heraldic if you must, or sport the logo of dear alma mater, or your outlaw biker gang.
But the ones they choose to picture are crass.
$300 for velvet slippers that say “Screw You”? I am pretty sure you can get something like that at the mall in Spencer’s for $10.
To pose another man’s question differently, would Cary Grant wear those slippers? Or would Johnny Depp?
Choose your actions and Christmas presents for me carefully.
(Also, we won’t go into the fashion section at the end of the magazine where they put maroon trousers on a hockey player to try to convince me that’s all right. It is as bad as shiny yellow pants.)
Some people are appallingly tone deaf about crude humor.