There Are No Apostates; Only People Who Have Not Returned To The Faith Yet

E-Books, A Breakup:

I BROKE UP WITH E-BOOKS last year after a flight from Los Angeles to New York. My first-generation Kindle and I had been together for five years, but I knew we’d have to go our separate ways when, an hour into the journey, it completely shut me out.

Although it would be very tempting to be able to search all my books for the thing I want right now, it would also cost a lot. Not just in money, but in other things I value, like the extra insulation.

Buy My Books!
Buy John Donnelly's Gold Buy The Courtship of Barbara Holt Buy Coffee House Memories

2 thoughts on “There Are No Apostates; Only People Who Have Not Returned To The Faith Yet

  1. I’ve not gotten heavily into e-books yet. Most of the books I like to read are not only in print, but out of print.

    I play around with e-books mostly to stay professionally up-to-date and to help my patrons.

  2. I have enumerated my reasons for not getting into them elsewhere. The only reason I could think to get one is to test how my books look on Kindle or whatnot, but there are so many different Kindles, Nooks, and whatnots, that I really could not test them all, so why test any?

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