One Less Temptation On Bag Day

Curse that volunteer’s sharp eyes:

The value of a box of old books donated to the Friends of the Library book sale can’t be measured just in dollars.

The box contained an eight-volume collection of Shakespeare’s works by Lewis Theobald printed in 1773 and a volume of the Bard’s poetry published by John Bell one year later. The books were part of an effort to rehabilitate William Shakespeare’s image.

Heck, I would have paid $2 each for them.

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3 thoughts on “One Less Temptation On Bag Day

  1. At one library discard sale, I found a 1753 edition of a translation of Marcus Fabius Quintillianus’ Institutes of Rhetoric. It cost me all of 50 cents.

  2. I did, however, once buy a first edition of Dune for $2 at a garage sale. As it was in my eBaying days, I sold it for $100 or so on the “Internet.”

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