The Missouri State Democratic Party intends to file an ethics complaint because a Congressman explained his vote to his constituents:
The Missouri Democratic Party is crying foul over a mailer U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt’s office sent to 7th District residents addressing his vote against cap and trade legislation that aims to reduce greenhouse gases.
The League of Conservation Voters has spent more than $500,000 in November and December, airing a television ad throughout Missouri, targeting Blunt for his vote against the legislation last summer.
Blunt’s office mailed a four-page glossy pamphlet to constituents this week — at taxpayer expense — to explain why he voted against the legislation, which he says would lead to a national energy tax on coal and raise the price of electricity and goods.
A Congressman communicating with his constituents? Heaven forfend! One might see why the Democratic Party thinks elected officials should not communicate with the people who elected those officials since Democratic congressmen can often only offer the argument “Nancy Pelosi told me to” or “Nancy Pelosi gave me earmarks to” for their votes.
As a bonus, now Robin “The Ghostwriter” Carnahan can say that Roy Blunt is under an ethical cloud–filed by her own party over a pretty obviously manufactured incident.