Today, we hit a couple of garage sales nearby. We did not come home empty-handed.

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I got:
- 9 volumes (of 11, apparently) of Bernard Cornwell’s Sharpe series of historical novels. I don’t think I’ve heard of them. However, they were fifty cents each, and if I like them, I have a lot of them. If I don’t, well, I hope my heirs like them or get similar value for them.
- A thin reference volume on using perennials in landscaping.
- A collection of Pogo cartoons that I can read while watching a baseball game.
Additionally, I bought a CD of hits of the 70s and SimCopter.
And a really nice Renoir print; I spotted it even though the signature was covered by the matting of the print. It was marked $4, but the garage sale proprietor and owner of a Lustron house offered to give it to me for $3, even after I had $4 out. I like when negotiations go like that. My beautiful wife didn’t like the frame, but we found another of the same size that she liked at another sale. Providence, I tell you.
So that’s 11 books for me, total, which is more than I’ve read this week, so I better get onto a couple more quick browsing books.