Democrats Want Handout

To stimulate the economy, Democrats in Washington want to provide another “rebate” to those who didn’t pay taxes to return:

Nearly 40 percent of Americans owed no federal income tax last year, though even low-income workers paid taxes for Social Security and Medicare. While Bush has refused to disclose specifics of his $145 billion plan, administration officials and Republican lawmakers favor a proposal that would offer rebates of up to $800 for individuals and $1,600 for families – but only if they paid that much in taxes last year.


Administration officials and Republican lawmakers say it only makes sense to give tax rebates to people who actually paid taxes. But Democrats are gearing up to fight that approach, arguing that a stimulus plan should put money in the hands of low-income people, both as a matter of fairness and because people who are struggling to make ends meet are most likely to spend any government payments quickly. For the purpose of jump-starting the economy, economists want people to spend extra money as quickly as possible.

A tax cut would be fair, but a facile and arbitrary distribution plan, that gets voters from those who receive free money from the rest of us courtesy of the Washingtonian tax centrifuge.

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2 thoughts on “Democrats Want Handout

  1. Great! Now the poor can afford to buy what they really need: booze, tobacco, and lottery tickets!

  2. Dems must have their own dictionary. Mine says a rebate is a reduction from the amount to be paid or a return of part given in payment

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