Hillary’s Villiage Takes A Child. At Gunpoint.

A nighttime no-knock raid because a parent didn’t take a child to the hospital after bumping its head? Hey, we don’t have SWAT teams for nothing:

The Garfield County All Hazards Response Team broke down Tom Shiflett’s door Friday night and, following a court order, took his son for medical treatment.

The doctor’s recommendation: Take Tylenol and apply ice to the bruises. The boy was back home a few hours later.

Authorities said they had reason to believe Shiflett mistreated his 11-year-old son, Jon, by failing to provide him proper medical care for a head injury. But Shiflett says his privacy and his rights were invaded, and that he has the right and the skill to treat his son himself. Shiflett, 62, said he served as a medic in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive.

Read the whole thing, and weep. Find how an anonymous neighbor can tip police and caseworkers onto you, and how the report of a hematoma (that is, a bruise can be grounds for a court order and no-knock raid if you’re a praying sort of family.

(Link seen on Books, Bikes, and Boomsticks.)

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