Normally, I don’t do this sort of thing because the paucity of responses is bad for my ego, but here’s a photo begging for a quip:

Here’s my best shot:
Think you can do better? Leave it in the comments. Remember, if there are no comments, I will win by default! You don’t want that on your conscience, do you?
New “Silly Sod,” from Ronco. (Not available in U.K.)
Nobody liked Ferdo the non-conformist.
Well, the inspiration came one morning when my littlest one, Benjamin, see, we call him Benji, he came scrambling out from the bunkbed and climbed down the ladder – he shares bunkbed with his brother, jonathan, and of course, the regular bed goes to christopher.
But anyway, I’m looking at the lawn and trying to think about how to make it, you know, more artistic, in order to win the Kirkwood Days Prettiest Lawn award (very prestigious here in Flyover county).
Anyway, Benji climbs down the ladder, and it was the cutest thing – did I mention it was wintertime? Yep – it was cold this year too, I don’t know why they keep talking about all this global warming stuff – that Katie Couric just makes me so mad..anyway, where was I? Oh, Benji, bless his heart. I’m so glad that that Benji the dog isn’t around anymore – our Benji would get a terrible teasing from those neighborhood kids, the Thompsons, especially.
Anyway, Benji was wearing his pagamas, and they have that little flap in the back, like the old style pajamas had, and his grandmother gave him those, and so I thought to myself – that is so cute – and it just made sense to make our lawn look like one of those pajamas, which is why those azaleas up front are trimmed in the shape of buttons…
Arrivederci, Guido.