Students at Mehlville schools received negative campaign materials relating to a fire protection district election recently. The firemen’s union were running a campaign for a write-in candidate and hired a mailing company to send the missives, and the mailing company got the addresses from the school district and sent the campaign materials, marked “You’re Invited,” to the students instead of the parents.
A Mehlville School District spokesman obliquely blames the parents:
Patrick Wallace, a spokesman for the Mehlville School District, said that per federal public records law, the district provided data with names and addresses of students to the union. He said the district did not include information on students whose parents signed a “media exclusion form” at the beginning of the school year.
That’s right, Federal law mandates that school districts sell or release your children’s data, and if you didn’t opt out at the beginning of the school year, well, his job is secure anyway, so squawk if you want.