You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato, Post-Dispatch Says Victim

Police shoot 15-year-old. The headline leads one to think that just maybe the police do this routinely to keep in practice. Perhaps the officers were mistaken and were scheduled this week to shoot a 16-year-old, but they all look so adult these days.

Any precipitating circumstances. Not really, if you’re a Post-Dispatch reporter:

St. Louis police shot and killed a 15-year-old after the kid jumped out of a fleeing truck and pointed a handgun at an officer Friday afternoon, said Chief Joseph Mokwa.

Just a normal kid in the street, cut down by an insensitive police force.

What, you accuse me of hyperbole? Here’s how the Post-Dispatch characterizes the urchin in the last paragraph:

Mokwa said the truck had been rented in outstate Missouri, but police were unclear why the victim was inside it. Police were still seeking the driver of the truck.

Perps who pull guns on the police are victims to our friends at Lee Enterprises, apparently.

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