After Two Year Study, Government Consultants Come to Shocking Conclusion: New Fee

Hey, I could easily save the county government some time and money for any topic that it commissions committees or outside firms to study by cutting right to the answer: higher fees or taxes:

After studying the issue for more than two years, St. Louis County is finally ready to talk trash.

St. Louis County Health Department officials met this week with the County Council to begin discussing updates to the existing solid waste ordinance. The Health Department wants to increase recycling by requiring trash companies to include such services in their minimum bill.

By raising the trash rates to encourage recycling, the County hopes to…..what? Educate people? I guess they reason that, since they’re compelling residents to pay, unvisibly, monthly, that residents will change their daily behavior.

Let me help the county skip the next two year study, and get right to where they’re going to go anyway: criminal penalties and fines for throwing glass into the garbage can.

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