Man in the Gray Flannel Suit Review, 00:07:18

Gregory Peck is the 1950s Orlando Bloom. Gary Cooper could have beaten him half to death with his left hand, and Cary Grant could have given him a wedgie of a quip that would have sent him back home to momma and his sisters.

UPDATE 00:11:07 If he doesn’t manage that shrew of a wife of his, I’m going to invent a time machine that travels into fictional time, set it back to 1956 Connecticut, and I’m going to introduce Gregory Peck to a little thing called “Taser.” For the simple thrill of it.

UPDATE 00:12:10 Never mind, send back the divorce lawyers instead.

UPDATE 00:17:06 Funny how off-handedly Hollywood whacked America’s enemies (or recent enemies) in the 1950s. Now, of course, heroes cannot even look askew at potential enemies of the Republic.

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