Free Non-Profit Idea

Get in on the ground floor with your very own non-profit idea in a new agitation industry! You, too, can have jets, spacious hotel accommodations, audiences with kings, reporters, and senators, as well as a good salary paid by your donors while you can simply “educate,” raise funds, and not produce anything but enough money to cover your expenses and fundraising efforts.

To get into this lucrative industry, be the first on your block to be a:

CosmicEnviro Activist!

I got the idea from this post wherein Michael Williams talks about mining asteroids in space for big dollars. I mean, let’s face it, the idea has dangerous sides that can really make excellent bullet points in fundraising letters, such as:

  • Could destroy the cobalt industry in Zambia, driving that country into poverty.
  • Profit-oriented corporations will use asteroids as weapons to pulverize the competition (Did you notice that the bad guys in Niven and Pournelle’s Footfall were elephants? Do the math!)
  • Disruption of celestial bodies will ruin star charts and astrologies for everyone!

Hurry and establish your charity now while there’s no glut in the market! You’ll be able to use Since 2006 in your promotional material henceforth. And by the time the other usual suspects arise to protest, you’ll have the cachet–and the wealthy database of previous contributors!

It would be much funnier if I didn’t fear it’s satire today, semipowerful actual lobbying group tomorrow, and taking credit for the UN ban on space commerce two weeks from now.

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3 thoughts on “Free Non-Profit Idea

  1. Thanks for the link! Alas, I accidentally deleted your trackback while I was vigorously defending myself from spam… sorry about that! If you sent the trackback again I’ll be more careful not to nuke it :)

  2. And don’t forget the biggest scandal of all–mining will destroy the environment on the asteroid!

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